A Complete Guideline on How To Write Test Cases for Game Testing

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Hieu Tran

2023-09-21 03:38:28

gct solution how to write test cases for game testing

A Complete Guideline on How To Write Test Cases for Game Testing

Before launching an enjoyable game to the market, the developers must go through many tough steps, including testing apps. When having a test version of the game, testers will need to perform thorough and careful testing, which includes the step of writing test cases.

Writing standard test cases will help testers and colleagues ensure the quality and functionality of the game. Here are shares from GCT Solution, which partly provides the answer to the question of how to write test cases for game testing.


1. Writing test cases - a part of game testing  

Game testing is checking the quality and functionality of a video game before it is released to the public. Game testers play the game and look for any bugs, glitches, or inconsistencies that might affect the user experience or the game's performance. Game testers also provide feedback and suggestions to the game developers and programmers to improve the game design, features, and usability.


Regarding process, game testing will go through many steps, from planning to executing and reporting. Writing test cases belongs to the very first stage of the testing process- planning. A good preparation by writing detailed test cases will help to drive the next steps on track. We will find out the standards of how to write test cases right below.   


2. Typical types of game testing 

Each type of game testing has a specific purpose and focus, depending on the game requirements and specifications.

So, first of all, you should understand some fundamental types of game testing or game testing techniques: 

•  Functionality testing: To check if the game works as intended and meets the user's expectations. It involves testing the game features, graphics, user interface, audio, and gameplay for any errors or defects.

•  Combinatorial testing: To test the game with different combinations of parameters, such as game functions, elements, settings, options, and attributes. It helps to find any interactions or conflicts that might cause problems in the game.

•  Compatibility testing: To test if the game runs smoothly on different devices, platforms, and configurations. It also checks if the game supports different languages, markets, and regions.

•  Performance testing: Tests the game under high load, stress, and traffic conditions to measure its speed, stability, and scalability. This type also figures out if the game can handle any unexpected situations or events without crashing or slowing down.

•  Localization testing: Tests for its adaptation to different languages, cultures, and markets. Regarding execution, the testers will check if the game content, design, and functionality are suitable and accurate for the target audience. Or check if the game complies with any legal or cultural requirements of the region.

•  Regression testing: Tests the game after any changes or updates in the code or design to verify if they have fixed or resolved any issues or defects. It also checks if any new issues or defects have been introduced due to the changes or updates.

•  User acceptance testing: Test the game with real users or players to evaluate their satisfaction and feedback. This testing type is used to check if the game meets their needs and preferences and provides a fun and engaging experience. It also checks if the game has any usability or accessibility issues that might affect the user experience.

•  Play testing: This technique is a form of user acceptance testing that involves playing the game as a player would do. It helps to evaluate the game's fun factor, difficulty level, balance, pacing, and overall enjoyment. It also helps to collect feedback and suggestions from the players to improve the game quality and usability.


3. Writing test cases in the game testing process

The process of game testing can be divided into several phases, such as planning, preparing, performing, reporting, repairing, and repeating. Each phase involves different activities and tasks that are essential for ensuring the quality and functionality of the game.


The following is a brief overview of each phase of the game-testing process:

•  Planning: In this phase, the game tester gathers a list of information about:

  • Game features
  • Requirements
  • Specifications
  • Design documents
  • Test strategy
  • Test plan
  • Test cases
  • Test scenarios
  • Test environment
  • Test tools
  • Test schedule
  • Test budget
  • Test resources
  • Test deliverables

At this stage, writing test cases will appear to clearly describe the steps, inputs, expected outputs, and criteria for testing a specific feature or scenario of the game. We will go deeper on how to write test cases for game testing in the next section. 


  Preparing: In this phase, the game tester sets up the environment, installs the game build or version to be tested, configures the tools and devices, creates or updates the test cases and scenarios based on the latest changes or updates in the game code or design.


•  Performing: In this phase, the game tester executes the test cases and scenarios on the game build or version under test conditions. The game tester plays the game repeatedly in different modes, levels, settings, and situations to check for any errors or defects. He also verifies if the game meets the user's expectations and requirements.


•  Reporting: In this phase, the game tester records and documents the results of the test execution. The game tester logs any issues or defects found in the game using a defect-tracking tool or system. The game tester also provides feedback and suggestions to improve the game's quality and usability.


•  Repairing: In this phase, the game developer or programmer fixes or resolves any issues or defects reported by the game tester. The game developer or programmer also makes any changes or enhancements to the game based on the feedback and suggestions from the game tester.


Repeating: In this phase, the game tester re-tests or verifies if the issues or defects have been fixed or resolved by the game developer or programmer. The game tester also checks if any new issues or defects have been introduced due to the changes or updates in the game code or design.


Here are some outstanding case studies from GCT Solution in developing mobile apps: Mobile app case study from GCT Solution.


4. How to write test cases for game testing

To write test cases for game testing, you need to follow some steps that will help you cover the different aspects and scenarios of the game. Here are 6 steps that you can follow:


•  Step 1:

Gather the requirements of the game, such as the features, functions, objectives, rules, and specifications. You can also refer to the game design document or the user stories for this information.


•  Step 2: 

Prepare the test strategy, which defines the scope, approach, resources, schedule, and tools for testing the game. You can also identify the types of testing that you will perform, such as functionality testing, compatibility testing, performance testing…


•  Step 3: 

Design test cases based on the test strategy and the requirements. You can use a template or a format to write test cases that include the following elements:

•  A clear and descriptive title that summarizes the purpose of the test case.

•  A unique identifier or number that helps to track and organize the test cases.

•  A priority or severity level that indicates the importance or urgency of the test case.

•  A pre-condition or prerequisite that specifies the state or condition of the game before executing the test case.

•  A test data or input that provides the values or parameters for testing the game feature or functionality.

•  A test step or action that describes the exact procedure or instruction for performing the test case.

•  An expected result or output that defines the expected behavior or outcome of the game after executing the test case.

•  A post-condition or cleanup that specifies the state or condition of the game after executing the test case.

•  A status or result that indicates whether the test case passed or failed based on the actual result or output of the game.

•  A comment or remark that provides any additional information or explanation about the test case.

Here is a shortened summarized content of a test case for a game: 

| Title | Test Case ID | Priority | Pre-condition | Test Data | Test Step | Expected Result | Post-condition | Status | Comment |


•  Step 4: 

Execute test cases according to the test strategy and schedule. You can use manual or automated methods to perform the test cases and record the results. You can also use tools such as bug-tracking software to report any issues or defects in the game.


•  Step 5: 

Analyze and evaluate the results of testing. You can compare the actual results with the expected results and determine if there are any deviations, errors, or failures in the game. You can also measure and report on the quality and performance of the game using metrics such as defect density, defect severity, defect resolution time, etc.


•  Step 6: 

Review and improve your test cases based on feedback and lessons learned from testing. You can update your test cases to cover any new requirements, changes, or enhancements in the game. You can also optimize your test cases to make them more efficient, effective, and reusable.

To conclude, a video game that is bug-free, stable, secure, and launched to the market is the target of all developers. Following those objectives, game testing is a crucial step before launching and writing a thorough test case will contribute to the smooth steps next. 





If you are seeking a seasoned IT provider, GCT Solution is the ideal choice. With 3 years of expertise, we specialize in Mobile App , Web App, System Development, Blockchain Development and Testing Services. Our 100+ skilled IT consultants and developers can handle projects of any size. Having successfully delivered over 50+ solutions to clients worldwide, we are dedicated to supporting your goals. Reach out to us for a detailed discussion, confident that GCT Solution is poised to meet all your IT needs with tailored, efficient solutions. 

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